3 Ways Mobile Banking Can Make Your Life Easier

The world is changing — and so is banking. Mobile banking allows you to monitor and control your accounts from your mobile phone, so information is secure and at your fingertips. If you have not yet joined mobile banking, the hassle of signing up is no hassle at all, and it will transform the way you bank. Here are three ways mobile banking can make your life easier.

1. Instant Control

Imagine this scenario: your car is in the shop and you need to purchase four new tires. With no driveable car, how are you going to get to the bank to transfer that money over from your emergency savings fund to your spending account? Many people like to keep the bulk of their money in savings or spread their funds across several accounts. The problem comes when a large, unexpected purchase means you need to access those accounts. Mobile banking can solve these types of daily struggles.

With mobile banking, switching money from one account to another is easy, convenient, and instantaneous. You can even transfer money while in the checkout line at the grocery store before the cashier rings you up. The daily applications of quick-and-easy money transfers mean you are never caught without the right funds in the right place.

2. Fewer Bank Trips

Added errands to the bank may make your day chaotic, or maybe your checks are piling up, waiting for you to deposit them. Your time is valuable, and instead of spending time driving, standing in line, and interacting with the teller, you could spend that time with your family or friends.

With mobile banking, you can deposit checks from home, eliminating the need for a trip to the bank. Simply use the camera in the mobile app to capture each side of the signed check. A remote teller will manually approve the check while you spent more time with your loved ones.

3. Personal Financial Awareness

With mobile banking, real-time information about your accounts is at your fingertips. Knowing how much money you have in the bank can help you make informed financial decisions about your purchases.

Being able to look up the exact amount of money in your account prevents overdrafts and the accompanying fees, and with the ability to monitor card use, you can catch suspicious or fraudulent activity in moments. Having this accessibility to information about your bank account can put you in control of your financial situation.

To learn more about CNB’s mobile banking services, visit their website.