Guarding Against Overpayment Scams Overpayment scams often occur when an individual lists an item for sale on a website such as Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace. Although these are legitimate sites to sell merchandise, fraudsters often use these sites to commit fraud. If the buyer of your sale item(s) sends you a payment, either by check, […]
Guarding Against ‘Work From Home’ Scams No legitimate “work from home” or “car wrapping” job offer will ever require you to deposit a check before you start the position, ask you to deposit a check and return a portion of the funds, purchase any type of gift card or Bitcoin, or ask you to wire […]
Summer Security Reminders After months cooped up inside, we’re all ready for vacation! Sadly, cybercriminals are ready too, and they’re hoping you’ll handover the keys to the company safe. Keep the vault shut with these hot tips: Update your apps and ensure that each has a unique password rather than using creds from a social […]
The Grandparent Scam Scam artists will use any leverage they can get to separate you from your money. Sadly, that includes exploiting grandparents’ love and concern for their grandchildren, giving rise to a breed of impostor fraud specifically targeting older Americans. The Grandparent Scam involves a fraudster calling the grandparent to tell them their grandchild […]
Beware of Popular Paving Scams A common scam that tends to surface during the warm days of summer is the driveway repair scam referred to as the “Paving Scam”. Never pay someone to do driveway paving or patching if they have approached you at your home. If you need paving or driveway patching, contact a […]