Why Not to Use Your Personal Checking Account for Your Small Business
Why Not to Use Your Personal Checking Account for Your Small Business Organization is a crucial practice for any business. This is particularly true when it comes to managing money. Unfortunately, many business proprietors often falter in this area, commingling their personal and commercial funds. While keeping everything in one account may seem convenient at first, it […]
How to Ensure Your Retirement Plan Can Overcome Social Security, Tax and Other Changes
How to Ensure Your Retirement Plan Can Overcome Social Security, Tax and Other Changes Times are changing. In recent months, we’ve seen significant changes to the United States Tax Code take place, and experts say these are the most comprehensive changes that have occurred in decades. There are also ongoing changes to Social Security rules, and […]
Important Retirement Savings Milestones to Keep in Mind as You Age
Important Retirement Savings Milestones to Keep in Mind as You Age As you move through adulthood, few financial tasks can be as daunting as saving for retirement. Are you anxious just thinking about it? If so, you are not alone. But sitting down and actually working out goals to hit as you move toward your […]
What Are Mobile Payments, and How Are They Useful?
What Are Mobile Payments, and How Are They Useful? The future is cashless. Now, you might be thinking, “Well, I already have a credit card, seems pretty cashless to me.” And you’d be right — but cash-free living is now being taken even further. Forget overstuffed wallets and too many credit cards to handle. Soon, all you […]
The 10 Most Common Scams Seniors Experience Criminals target vulnerable populations in our society, and seniors are especially at risk. That is why the Senate Aging Committee compiles an annual report about the most insidious scams targeting the elderly. Here are the worst offenders from the past year.